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Stainless Steel Pegs: Clever and Creative Alternative Uses

Our Stainless Steel pegs are fabulous for laundry, but they have plenty of other uses around the home and garden, too! 

We asked our customers to submit their clever and creative ideas and photos of how they use their pegs off the clothes line. Take a read of some of our favourite entries below.

Clever and Creative Alternative Uses for Stainless Steel Pegs

In the Kitchen

Jo uses her pegs to hold her recipes while in the kitchen. She said, "I wouldn't cook without my eco pegs!"

Claire makes the most of her kitchen layout with a little help from our pegs. She said, "I have an internal, open window that’s useful for hanging and drying fresh herbs from our garden. The Activated Eco pegs are perfect for rotating and adding the foliage when needed and are also good for hanging my daughters cute drawings!"

How fresh and vibrant does that lovely homegrown produce look!

Many of our customers use our pegs in their pantry, fridge and freezer for keeping half empty containers sealed shut.

Arts, Crafts & Creative Uses

Get creative and use our pegs to create cute interactive crafts, like this adorable hatching egg created by Carolyn.

Or this adorable critter by Mary. All you need to create this is one toilet roll, two pegs and some markers. This would be a fun craft activity for the kids! 

Wendy H. found her pegs to be the ideal tool to help hold her stalks together submerged in water. She said, "I hope you can see these in the water. I am attempting my first basket weaving project. The stalks I'm using need to soak to be soft enough to weave. And how do I keep them in groups? With my pegs!"


Renee used the extra large pegs to hold her quilt together while sewing it. It made it a lot quicker and less frustrating! What a great sewing hack Renee has discovered!


In the Garden

Janet uses her pegs to ensure the safety of her fruit. She said, "I have heaps of time to tend the fruit trees and use the crop for jams, jellies etc." 

Hejira built a cover for her veggie patch and found our rainbow pegs to be the perfect final touch to keep the brush turkeys out!

Meagan encourages her vines to grow in the desired direction along the trellis by pegging Rainbow Pegs to train the vine.


In the Bathroom

Lou shared her toothbrush hack and said, "This is a simple one but brilliant and looks good too- toothbrush holder! Clean, hygienic and good looking. The perfect combination." 

Lisa's family uses microfibres to clean themselves in the shower. She said, Because the Activated Eco stainless steel pegs don’t rust and are strong they are perfect for hanging our microfibres in the shower!"

Around the Home

Cherie said, "I’ve used one of your large eco pegs with Queen B “bee lights”... I think they’re a brilliant combination! " We agree Cherie! 

For Kids

Amanda's daughter created her own Chore Chart, featuring our pegs! What a great way to encourage positive routines in children. 

Phillip uses his pegs for fine-motor activities. Physios and occupational therapists have often commented on how great the pegs are for hand and finger strengthening exercises!

Ann and her grandson Samuel shared this beautiful moment of them creating an eco Santa and sled complete with 2 peg reindeers and a sock snowman directing the sled! How adorable. 


Keen to get creative with your pegs? You can find them in Silver, Rose Gold and Rainbow in our store.