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30 Awesome Plastic Free July Ideas

We asked you guys to share ideas on how you and your family are participating in Plastic Free July this year, and you really came to the party! 
We had hundreds of brilliant ideas that were shared, but here are our favourite thirty. 

We hope this list inspires you to participate in Plastic-Free July or helps you to reduce plastic waste all year round!
It's not too late to participate in our Plastic-Free July competition, so head over to the competition page and submit your idea if you've not already done so!

30 Awesome Plastic Free July Ideas 

  1. "We just moved house and have committed to buying no new plastic!" - Amy
  2. "Using my stainless steel pegs is a major way that I have made that reduction in plastic. I made Christmas 2020 a plastic free one. All my family got pegs and mesh bags for fruit and veg storage. But I did not do mum cause her arthritis didn't allow her to use them. Miracles do happen though as I have been using mine and they have become a little easier I have passed mine onto her. Buying some rainbow pegs for her birthday in August." - Heather
  3. "No more single use plastic in my world!" - Alicia
  4. "I love using baking paper and I know making the switch to compostable, sustainably sourced brown 'eco' baking paper is essentially a half hearted measure. Clever greenwashing marketing may make me feel a little smug, or a least a little better for a while for a while, but this July I'm calling it out and I'm committing to my silicone baking sheets. Every time. Always." - Helen
  5. "I'm working on removing plastic from my bathroom, kitchen and laundry. I have found soap bar alternatives for so many of my face, body, dish and stain removing needs. Have even found an anti-dandruff shampoo bar to try to convince hubby to make the switch." - Kat
  6. "I have stocked up on plastic free items, including laundry pegs, refillable hand-wash bottles and tablets. I buy in bulk where I can, who doesn't love snacks and I'm starting to take my single use plastics back to the supermarket for recycling. Oh and reusable steel straws because smoothies... yum!" - Allyson
  7. "I use bicarbonate and white vinegar in my dishwasher. I have my own produce bags. My bread is from the baker, in a paper bag, I order my toilet roll and kitchen roll from ‘Who Gives a Crap’ totally plastic free." - Janie
  8. "My hubby does the washing so I bought him stainless steel pegs and carousel for socks for his birthday, I use mesh bags for fruit and veg from supermarket, I am changing from plastic food storage containers to glass ones when they break, coffee from coffee shop that uses recyclable coffee cups,collect plastic bread tags and send for recycling and take my own container to the butchers when buying meat. I also limit the purchase of products wrapped in plastic, take my own shopping bags for groceries and purchases in retail shops." - Sue
  9. "I am going for a plastic free July by only using my Activated Eco Stainless straws including for cocktails and taking my Activated Eco reusable fruit and veg bags each time I shop including on camping trips!!" - Margot
  10. "I'm avoiding all plastic wrapped items in the supermarket, taking my own cloth bag, never buying any take away coffee's and my wife and I are enjoying the use of our Activated Eco pegs and rubber dish/food sealers rather than cling wrap." - John
  11. "I am using my Activated Eco netting bags at the supermarket...carrying my pottery coffee cup everywhere and using store way containers at home for open food items :)" - Carla
  12. "I am committed to being plastic free as much as possible as I use mesh bags for my fruit and vegetables and compostable wrapping." - Sondra
  13. "I have just ordered the pegs and am quite excited to see how good they are. I take my own mesh bags for fruit and vegetables. Use cotton gloves instead of plastic gloves. Use reusable bags for all shopping. take my own cup for my coffee. reuse bread bags for rubbish and weeds from the garden. do not use straws take a plastic spoon with me to stir my coffee or drinks and take home and wash and reuse." - Glenys
  14. "I have purchased shampoo and conditioner bars instead of plastic bottle shampoo and conditioner. I take my own fruit and vege bags to the supermarket instead of using plastic bags. Brown paper bags for rubbish instead of plastic bags" - Judy
  15. "We've switched to beeswax wraps, stainless steel pegs, reusable straws, and reusing all our jars and bottles for homemade produce like jams and Kombucha!" - Larissa
  16. "I pledge to reduce the amount of polyester and synthetic clothing to reduce the amount of micro plastics entering our waterways with each wash." - Ruth
  17. "Trying our best to eliminate single use and short term low quality plastic products and instead opt for reusable sustainable products." - Jadey
  18. “I am avoiding single use packaging by packing my lunch in reusable containers, taking my own bags for shopping and reusing glass jars for making marmalade.” - Wendy
  19. “For plastic free July I have just purchased a "Zero Waste Laundry Bundle No. 1" from Activated Eco ... and I love it!” - Jillian
  20. “I've stopped using plastic straws, cutlery and cling wrap this month as part of a pledge towards moving away from single use plastics” - Erkan
  21. “Aim to avoid single use plastic, for example when I do groceries I will buy meat from the deli section and for fruit and veg I will use my net bags instead of the plastic bags provided, and of course always use my green shopping bags. When I go out I will use my KeepCup and my own cutlery and remember to ask for no straw.” - Frances
  22. “I’m using my own reusable bags when shopping, I use my own mug when in coffee shops and I buy products that are don’t use plastic. Plus I have mesh bags for my fruit and vegetables and I use reusable straws.” - Lyndal
  23. “I realised none of my colleagues at work knew about Plastic Free July when it brought up in a meeting on Friday and they were like "I've never heard of or seen this before". So I'm going to start the conversation with them and encourage them to be involved, and we can hopefully achieve a lot as a team! First stop: reusable cups, and recycling any soft plastic through RedCycle :)” - Kendra
  24. "I am doing my best to permanently reduce plastic waste, using a reusable filter bottle for water, using Activated Eco pegs and drinking straws along with cotton mesh produce bags. I believe we must drastically reduce our plastic use or we are doomed.” - Linda
  25.  “I just got the steel laundry bundle and it is soooo good, functional and high quality without adding more plastic to the world! I would love to continue reducing my plastic use with this prize.” - Tamoura
  26.  “I'm using Activated Eco mailing satchels for online orders. They are such a great idea!” - Vonnie
  27.  “I am participating in a variety of ways. At work in ICU we work to recycle as much plastic as possible. We educate other staff in regard to using less plastic at home,and how to exchange it for other products. In my house this year, I am exchanging plastic products for Stainless Steel for food items. In July I plan to learn more about keeping fresh food safe. I choose non plastic items and containers in the laundry.” - Judith
  28.  “Using my stainless pegs and silicone baking mats from AE. I just bought reusable makeup wipes for the first time and will stock up on some cloth nappies for bub due in October! 😊” - Tara
  29. "Using stainless steel pegs and straws and lunch containers!!" - Bev
  30. "We have changed our pegs from plastic to stainless steel, replaced shopping bags with cotton ones and eliminated all freezer bags with the mesh produce bags and of course all our products are brought from Activated Eco!" - Jennifer